Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Updates since last time:

* Finished writing my dissertation!
On Sept. 01st I was interviewed by the review board and assigned to design a secure intranet in one month. With help from my friend Igor (who was coaching me as well as providing proofreading), I finished writing it at 03:00 AM on monday and handed it over to the board on the same day.
Though I am not very satisfied with it, I also must confess I finally got the taste for systems design methodology. Things have changed for good since my last experiences in application programming... most likely for good.
The dissertation will have to be defended by the end of this month, so methinks I shall start working on the presentation this week and head directly to PresentationZen.com.

I'm tired of boring and dull powerpoint sessions, so the least I can do is to improve upon those terrible (and most importantly, forgettable) experiences to attract the favour of my examiners.

* My friend Bruno is leaving for Spain.
He's finally found what seems to be his dreamjob, but like many talented people, he and his family have to relocate to the other side of the great-blue-pond.
Damn, I'm going to miss him, but surely this won't be the last time we hear from him.
The godspeed is on thursday.

Now... something to cheer you up.
Sci fi art!!!
You will probably recognise some of this paintings. They are used for Sci Fi book covers by most publishing houses. Although they are sometimes totally unrelated to the plot in it, they remain inspirational and intriguing.